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Layout components define the size, position, and simple styling of other components.

Currently, we support the following layout components:

Common properties

Layout components share some of the properties, the main exception being Tiles, which assumes that the properties will be applied directly to its children.


  • width - Width of a component in pixels.
  • height - Height of a component in pixels.

Sizing of the layout components varies depending on their parent and position in the component tree, as detailed in the table below:

Layout component placementLayout component size
Root in a component treeSize is based on the declared resolution of an output stream.
Child of a non-layout componentDefining size is required, usually via the width/height fields
Child of another layout componentSize will be based on the area defined by its parent unless explicitly defined.

Absolute positioning

  • top - Distance in pixels from the top edge of a component to the top edge of its parent component.
  • bottom - Distance in pixels from the bottom edge of a component to the bottom edge of its parent component.
  • left - Distance in pixels from the left edge of a component to the left edge of its parent component.
  • right - Distance in pixels from the right edge of a component to the right edge of its parent component.
  • rotation - Rotation in degrees.

All the properties above imply the absolute positioning of a component.

When a component is positioned absolutely, it will ignore the normal layout of its parent.