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An input type that allows streaming video and audio to the Smelter server over RTP. It supports both streaming over UDP and TCP (smelter works as a TCP server).

import Smelter from "@swmansion/smelter-node";
async function run() {
const smelter = new Smelter();
await smelter.init();
await smelter.registerInput("example", {
type: "rtp_stream",
port: 8001,
transportProtocol: "tcp_server",
video: { decoder: "ffmpeg_h264" },
audio: { decoder: "opus" }
// At this point you can connect to 8001 TCP port
// and start sending RTP traffic
void run();


import { RegisterRtpInput } from "@swmansion/smelter"

Parameters for an input stream from RTP source. At least one of video and audio has to be defined.

Type definitions

type RegisterRtpInput = {
port: string | number;
transportProtocol?: "udp" | "tcp_server";
video?: Inputs.InputRtpVideoOptions;
audio?: Inputs.InputRtpAudioOptions;
required?: bool;
offsetMs?: number;



UDP port or port range for the smelter to listen to incoming streams.

  • Type: string | number


UDP port or port range for the smelter to listen to incoming streams.

  • Type: "udp" | "tcp_server"
  • Supported values:
    • udp - UDP protocol.
    • tcp_server - TCP protocol where Smelter is the server side of the connection.


Parameters of a video included in the RTP stream.


Parameters of an audio source included in the RTP stream.


Determines if the input stream is essential for output frame production. If set to true and the stream is delayed, Smelter will postpone output frames until the stream is received.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false


Offset in milliseconds relative to the pipeline start (start request). If unspecified, the stream synchronizes based on the delivery time of the initial frames.

  • Type: number


import { Inputs } from "@swmansion/smelter"

Parameters of a video source included in the RTP stream.

Type definitions

type InputRtpVideoOptions = {
decoder: "ffmpeg_h264";



UDP port or port range for the smelter to listen to incoming streams.

  • Type: "ffmpeg_h264"


import { Inputs } from "@swmansion/smelter"

Parameters of a audio source included in the RTP stream.

Type definitions

type InputRtpAudioOptions =
| {
decoder: "opus";
forwardErrorCorrection?: bool;
| {
decoder: "aac";
audioSpecificConfig: string;
rtpMode?: "low_bitrate" | "high_bitrate";

Properties (decoder: “opus”)


Specifies whether the stream uses forward error correction. It’s specific for the Opus codec. For more information, visit RFC specification.

  • Type: string

Properties (decoder: “aac”)


Configuration encoded in the format described in RFC 3640.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false

For detailed instructions on obtaining this value, refer to the information provided in the table below:

Format/ProtocolLocation of AAC Specific Config (ASC)Notes
FFmpeg StreamingSDP fileUse the -sdp_file FILENAME option when streaming to a smelter to generate an SDP file containing the ASC.
MP4 FilesInside the esds boxThe ASC is embedded as part of the esds box, not the entire box. Applies to regular MP4 and fragmented MP4s (used in HLS playlists with MP4 files).
FLV Files / RTMPInside the AACAUDIODATA tagThe ASC is contained within the AACAUDIODATA tag.


Specifies the RFC 3640 mode that should be used when depacketizing this stream. For more information, visit RFC specification

  • Type: "low_bitrate" | "high_bitrate"
  • Default value: "high_bitrate"