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Web rendering

Web rendering is an experimental feature that lets you render websites. Furthermore, apart from the standard output stream, you can also place other components on the website; we refer to this process as embedding.


There are a couple of requirements necessary for using this feature:

  • A smelter version built with web renderer support - The web renderer adds extra dependencies and significantly increases the size of the smelter binaries. To mitigate this impact, we offer two versions of the smelter: one with web renderer support and another without.
  • SMELTER_WEB_RENDERER_ENABLE - For deployment, this environment variable must be set to true to enable the web renderer functionality.

Embedding components

Embedding refers to the process of displaying child components within a website. You specify these child components in the children field of the web view. The IDs of the child components must match the IDs of the HTML elements where they are to be embedded. The web renderer then places the frames of the child components into the designated HTML elements.

Embedding methods

Smelter supports multiple ways of embedding components. You can define them while registering a renderer.

There are 3 embedding methods available:

  • chromium_embedding - Frames produced by child components are passed directly to a Chromium instance and displayed on an HTML canvas. This process involves an additional copy operation for each input frame, which may lead to performance issues when dealing with a large number of inputs. The HTML elements designated for embedding must be canvases.
  • native_embedding_over_content - Renders frames produced by child components over the website’s content, allowing them to appear on top of the web layers.
  • native_embedding_under_content - Renders frames produced by child components beneath the website’s content. It requires the website to have a transparent background to ensure the frames underneath are not obscured by the website.

Example usage

  1. Register WebRenderer instance. Otherwise, it will not be possible to include a fully functioning WebView in the output scene.

    await smelterr.registerWebRenderer("example_website", {
    url: "",
    resolution: {
    width: 1920,
    height: 1080
    embeddingMethod: "native_embedding_over_content"
  2. Create an output scene with a WebView component.

    The WebView component needs to use an instanceId that has already been registered.

    import Smelter from "@swmansion/smelter-node"
    function App() {
    return (
    <WebView instanceId="example_website"></WebView>
  3. Embed a registered InputStream into the website.

    function App() {
    return (
    <WebView instanceId="example_website">
    <InputStream id="my_video" inputId="input_1" />

The above steps should result in a website structure presented below:

<canvas id="my_video"></canvas>